Thabure Towerco is a Level 1 BEE enterprise. Black female ownership of the company is 31%.
Thabure Towerco’s approach to Black Economic Empowerment is genuine and founded on the deep insight of the communities we seek to serve. We are not about ticking boxes to meet basic compliance.
Our clients derive maximum transformation points on their BEE Scorecards by partnering and doing projects with us.
Our empowerment principles stand on the following 4 pillars:
Thabure Towerco’s long term competitiveness and organisational sustainability lies with our people.
The company firmly believes in providing equal opportunity for all our staff members to express their talents. A considerable amount of management time and resources are spent in the identification, development, mentorship and assignment of high potential individuals.
The TVET Colleges Internship Programme was key in creating a pool of young people who joined the company as interns and have been developed into respected professionals, delivering key projects for our clients.
Thabure Towerco fully understands the plight of unemployed youth and graduates, especially those in the townships and rural areas.
Thabure Towerco adopted the TVET Colleges Internship Programme as one of its key empowerment initiatives. Through this programme, the company takes a proactive towards youth empowerment. We identify, recruit and train young people from communities where we undertake long-term projects.
Thabure Towerco’s recent success story is in the Vhembe District, where four previously unemployed graduates from Vhembe TVET College joined us as interns in the SA Connect project. They have since been appointed as field technicians building access network points and providing maintenance of our base stations and access networks.
Thabure Towerco embraces the need to incorporate micro enterprises in the execution of its projects.
We have a proven track record of identifying, developing and contracting over 10 such enterprises in the townships and rural communities, across the provinces.
The development process includes assisting micro enterprises with the selection of personnel; pre-deployment training; on-site training and provision of protective clothing and tooling.
Thabure Towerco supports the sustainability of such enterprises through sub-contracting in the low barrier activities of the sector’s infrastructure deployment process.
Community participation is emerging as a key theme for marginalised societies to develop a sense of ownership of projects that are executed in their environment.
Thabure Towerco is founded and led by a team that hails from these communities. We understand from experience that a sense of exclusion has contributed to the growing phenomenon where projects in the townships are targeted and delayed.
The company has developed the Kasi to Kasi concept to harness community relationships. The concept is currently being rolled out in selected Gauteng townships and will be expanded into other regions over time.
It through this Kasi to Kasi concept that Thabure Towerco has experienced minimal disruption of its operations and the implementation of projects in township and rural areas.